Even the best planned and organized business may not protect you from disputes or claims of the other party. Aiming to meet your expectations we provide legal service in resolving disputes both amicably and in the last resort before court. Jointly with you we are able to evaluate the probability of claims both in business and legal area. We evaluate the validity of your claims and your business partners’ claims, indicating various scenarios and strategies of conducting disputes. Recommendations of the most favourable solutions, including indicating possible risks constitutes the result of our work. We provide effective support at the negotiations stage, mediations and any alternative methods of resolving disputes. Solutions recommended by us include your long-term relations with the counterparty, for we understand how important business relationships are and the possibility of further cooperation.
We represent our Clients before common courts of all instances, administrative courts, the Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Poland, and arbitral tribunals. Our considerable experience in this area, supported by the knowledge of the market on which our Clients operate, ensures the understanding of your needs and the quest for satisfactory settlements. We prepare pleadings of all kinds, inclusive of suits and applications, remedies (complaints, appeals, claims), complaints in cassation, writings in the course of proceedings. We do not fear express and bold actions. We offer our help also at the stage of proceedings in course. What is more, we are aware that to obtain a final and binding sentence is only the first step to success. We provide comprehensive legal assistance also in the recovery of claims and costs recovery, taking into account the opportunities of interlocutory procedure, enforcement of ruling proceedings and liquidation proceedings. We help to effectively protect the assets and future claims. Large experience of the lawyers in this area enabled us to develop methodology and a number of effective procedures allowing us to facilitate and accelerate debts recovery.
Investors claims, general contractors and subcontractors claims
We specialize in claims recovery for non-performance or improper performance of obligations, especially including payment proceedings and proceedings for moderation of liquidated damages, return of forfeited deposit or the performance guarantee. Due to our industry specialization we can pride ourselves on the largest experience in numerous proceedings representing contracting authorities as well as general contractors and subcontractors in relation to the settlement and closing of the investment process.
Developers claims, lease-holders and lessors’ claims
We possess significant experience in conducting disputes between lease-holders and developers of commercial properties, and between lease-holders and the purchasers of apartments and commercial properties. We represent our Clients in administrative disputes regarding obtaining any decisions necessary for the construction process, especially environmental decisions, land development conditions decisions, permissions for construction.
Legal-corporate services
We offer comprehensive advisory services to economic entities in the area of company law and corporate service. We combine experience gained while providing corporate services with knowledge of law and knowledge of local market and the character of business trading. We provide legal assistance, beginning with the registration of companies to representation of the companies in the course of remedy, winding-up and liquidation proceedings. We conduct cases for repeal or invalidation of management board and supervisory authorities resolutions and cases connected with the obligations of the management board’s members for the liabilities.
Registration issues and land register proceedings
We possess experience in conducting proceedings regarding regulations of the real estate’s legal status disclosed in the land register with actual legal status. We represent our Clients in complex land register proceedings relating even to the real estate’s division or the expiry of perpetual usufruct right.
Insurance claims
We represent our Clients in insurance law proceedings and within it we represent both insurers and affected. Practice within this area includes proceedings for damages, compensation and pensions as a result of property damages and person damages, and what is more, assistance in recourse claims.
Project experience
We represented the Clients in legal disputes, where its’ value amounted even several million zloty.
We conduct proceedings involving commercial law companies connected with energy, air, railway, road and processing industries.
We participate in legal disputes regarding lease-holders’ and lessors’ claims in relation to agreements for lease of space in shopping malls.
We represented cultural institution in a proceeding regarding the settlement of construction investment of over 27 thousands square meters.
We represented before courts construction companies and the contractors providing comprehensive services in performance of sanitary, plumbing and central heating installations.
We conducted proceedings for the leading European producers and suppliers of landscaping equipment products.
We participated in legal disputes representing the largest Insurers in Poland.
At your request we will present you with the detailed list of all projects in which we were or are still involved, including credentials.